Info for Students, 校友, 教师 & 工作人员

Dolphins, congratulations on 你r decision to volunteer. 志愿服务提供价值 to 全球网络赌博平台的社区 and adds to the personal growth of the volunteers. 现在你知道了 你 want to volunteer, 你 need to take the right steps to make sure 你r volunteer 经验是很好的. Considering some questions and looking at the s resources can help 你 find a great match that benefits 你 and the community!

1. Ask 你rself some questions about y全球网络赌博平台的社区 service experience as outlined 下图:

  • 如何定义“服务”??
  • Why do 你 want to get involved?
  • What do 你 hope to gain from this experience?
  • 你关心什么? What “out there” makes 你 proud, excited, angry, scared, 充满激情,充满灵感?
  • What good things do 你 see going on in 全球网络赌博平台的社区? 你想成为什么角色 of?
  • 你擅长什么? What skills, talents, and gifts do 你 bring to those around 你? (跳出思维定势!)


How much time do 你 want to give per week? For how long (one quarter, all school 一年,只有一次)? What times of the day and week are 你 available? 想想课程, work schedules, homework and study time, other commitments. 你将在哪里做志愿者? 适合?


你有车吗? Do 你 know how to use the bus system? 你想拼车吗 和其他加州大学的学生一起? Do 你 need to find a service site within walking or biking 距离?

Do 你 want to volunteer as part of a group or with a friend?

2. Research opportunities that interest 你, and contact the organizations.

Contact the Center for 社区关系 at 为小组提供机会!

  • 提供的机会 社区合作伙伴 that are upcoming, specific and may only last a day or two.
  • 美国志愿者: 美国志愿者 helps the most vulnerable and under-served people achieve 他们的全部潜力. We provide services that are designed locally to address specific 社区的需要. Our common areas of focus include promoting self-sufficiency for the homeless and for others overcoming personal crises, caring for the elderly and disabled and fostering their independence, and supporting positive development for troubled and at-risk children and 你th. We look at the whole person and address both urgent and ongoing needs, with the goal of helping people become as self-reliant as 可能的. 美国志愿者, illustrating the presence of God through all that we do, serves people and communities in need and creates opportunities for people to experience the joy of serving others.
  • HandsOn杰克逊维尔: We believe it is through people that change happens in our world! 像你这样的人. Join us and find ways to get connected to volunteer opportunities that are transforming 全球网络赌博平台的社区! Our mission is to inspire, equip and mobilize volunteers to use their time, talent, money and voice to create change in their communities and in the world. We connect volunteers with their passion and we develop volunteer leaders and leaders 的志愿者.
  • 志愿者佛罗里达: 志愿者佛罗里达 administers national service programs like AmeriCorps, which offer Floridians the opportunity to engage in intensive service to their community while increasing capacity for nonprofits and other service organizations. 佛罗里达的志愿者 grantees include schools, educational foundations, nonprofits, faith-based organizations, and other community organizations.
  • United Way of Northeast Florida: United Way of Northeast Florida (UWNEFL) is committed to creating long-lasting social change by addressing the underlying causes of barriers to quality education, financial 稳定和健康的生活.
  • 杰克逊维尔市: JaxCorps is the 杰克逊维尔市's volunteer program directed by Employee Services. It is a partnership between residents and city government. JaxCorps provides the residents of Jacksonville with opportunities to be exposed to all aspects of city government. Volunteers work side-by-side with City employees. They enhance services that may not 另有规定. The 杰克逊维尔市 offers diverse volunteer opportunities with flexible schedules including weekends. Volunteers play key roles by providing service to the community, assisting with special events, and in daily operations. This provides an opportunity for residents to become active participants in their 当地政府.
  • 志愿者匹配: We believe everyone should have the chance to make a difference. 这就是全球网络赌博平台制作的原因 it easy for good people and good causes to connect. We've connected millions of people with a great place to volunteer and helped tens of thousands of organizations better leverage volunteers to create real impact.

3. Keep in touch with the Center for 社区关系.

全球网络赌博平台知道进展如何. We're here to support 你r volunteer effort!